Breast Augmentation/Mastopexy Post-OP Instructions
When you wake from your surgery you will be in the recovery room where the nurses will take good care of you. When you go home, it is very important that you sleep on your back with your upper body elevated at a 45 degree angle for the first 2 weeks after surgery. It is also important that you wear a surgical bra day and night for the first 2 weeks. You can sleep with 4-5 pillows positioned under your back and head, or in a recliner. This will reduce the amount of swelling to the chest wall. Your incision site will have DermaBond (skin glue) over it. Around noon, the day after surgery, you may pull the drains. Peel back the dressing enough to expose the edge of the incision where the drain is inserted. Release the suction on the bulb connected to the drainage tubing. Grasp the drain tubing with one hand, and hold counter traction against your skin with the other hand and pull the drain straight out. It is normally around 4 to 5 inches long, and comes out quickly with little discomfort. There will be some old bloody drainage from the drain site for a day or two, do NOT be alarmed as this is normal
On day #2 after your surgery, you may shower. This is the only time it is permissible to be out of the surgical bra. We suggest that you let the water run over your chest but do not scrub. Be careful with your chest and pat yourself dry. Do not apply any lotion or ointments to the chest area as this will interfere with the DermaBond. Do not attempt to remove the DermaBond. The DermaBond will begin to dry and peel off in about 1 week.
Do not submerge yourself in a bath, swimming pool, or hot tub until the incisions are completely healed. This usually takes 3-4 weeks. You will be given an appointment to return to clinic 1 week after surgery.
At your pre-op appointment you will be given three prescriptions. The first prescription will be a non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drug (Mobic). This medication will help reduce post op swelling and edema. The second prescription is for pain. We recommend that you take the pain medicine as directed. The third prescription is an antibiotic. You may start the antibiotic on the evening after your surgery. Be sure to take the antibiotic as directed until the bottle is empty to prevent postoperative infection.
A few patients react to the anesthetic after surgery with nausea and vomiting. This usually lasts less than 24 hours and should be treated with lots of fluids and rest. If you have a history of severe post-operative nausea and vomiting, please request a Phenergan prescription.
For the first three days following surgery you should try to restrict your arm movements. Move your arms slowly to avoid sudden jerky movements of the chest and breast area. Try to keep your arms as close to your body as possible
You can start walking immediately post-op. This activity will greatly minimize the risk of common postoperative problems after surgery.
After three days, you can resume relatively normal non-strenuous activities. Avoid strenuous exercise and or lifting activities. As a rule you should avoid lifting anything over 10 pounds.
Although implants can rupture, normal physical activities, contacts, and sexual relations will not significantly increase the risk of rupture and to be enjoyed.
You may begin your regular exercise routine 2 to 3 days after surgery, EXCEPT upper body weight training. Upper body weight training and push-ups should not be done until 6 weeks after surgery. When implants are placed under the chest muscle, upper body weight training before 6 weeks could cause the implants to be pushed upwards.
Although everyone is different, you should plan to be off work for 5-7 days.
The sutures selected by your surgeon is absorbable and does not require removal. Some patients experience discomfort where the suture is tied off. If you experience this, the knots can be removed 2 weeks after surgery in clinic.
Implants do not cause cancer but may obscure its detection. Mammograms should be performed at a facility familiar with special techniques needed for implants. Remember to tell the technician you have implants.
The purpose of these exercises is to keep the scar tissue that forms around implants as soft as possible. By performing these exercises as described, you can help soften the internal scar, minimize the risk of significant capsular contracture and maximize the likelihood of a soft, natural feel and appearance to your breast
Begin doing exercises after the sutures are removed (approximately 14 days or 2 weeks after surgery). It is important to remember that a slow steady stretch is more effective than a quick jerky movement. Do not worry about injuring the implant. You cannot cause a rupture with these exercises.
Press breasts slowly and maximally inwards (towards the breast bone) and hold for 10 seconds, then release. Repeat 4 times.
Press the breasts apart slowly and maximally outwards and hold for 10 seconds, then release. Repeat 4 times.
Repeat for upward movement.
The most important movements are inward and upward.
Perform these exercises 4 times per day for the first 3 months, then once a day for the duration of the implants.
The outcome of your surgery may be compromised if you fail to return for any scheduled post-op visit, or fail to follow the pre-and post-operative instructions.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact the office during business hours (8AM-5PM) and ask to speak with Dr. Maguire. If you experience a problem after 5 PM, you may call the office number and leave a message or choose to be forwarded to Dr. Maguire. We look forward to making this journey with you!